*Purchase trips by check to save credit card fees.
Call Char at 262.853.0484 or email [email protected] to make a memory.

Blue Gate Theatre: Marie Osmond

Blue Gate Theatre Shipshewana, IN, United States

All-inclusive ticket DB $348.00 SG $435.00 Come travel with Starlight to Shipshewana where we will stay at the Blue Gate Inn, have time to go shopping and enjoy the fresh bakery delicacies.  We will enjoy a family style dinner of Roast Beef, Chicken, Mashed Potatoes & Gravy, Green Beans, Homemade Noodles, Garden Salad, Homemade Bread […]

*Purchase trips by check to save credit card fees.
Call Char at 262.853.0484 or email [email protected] to make a memory.